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Sugar free granola

Sugarfree Granola

That's to good"

When my mum says that about something I cook or bake it means I did it right :)


100g oat flakes

60g puffed buckwheat

60g puffed millet

handful of walnuts

150g dates

50g raisins


Soak dates and raisins for 10 minutes so they get soft and easy to blend.

Blend them into a smoothe paste.

Add dry ingredients and mix together.

Lay on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Bake about 15 minutes at 150 Celcjus.

Mix every 5 minutes so the edges don't get burnt.

After 10 minutes you can turn around the tray so it bake evenly.

After it's done leave it out f the oven until cools down and then put it into containers.


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